
Our partner factories are rigorously selected regarding strict specifications. Most of them have passed audits such as BSCI, SMETA, FSC…They must be fully transparent in relation to their sourcing of raw materials and provide the highest quality to meet our customers’requirements.


Our experienced QA and QC teams based in China, Indonesia and Vietnam guarantee a high standard quality in our production lines.

The QC team do both inline and final inspection. Everything is carefully checked and fully documented for each container before leaving the factory. Each process and details, such as product construction, assembly, moisture content, color control, finishing, packaging, shipping marks, AI and hardware are closely monitored. We also work with Bureau Veritas & SGS for testing.

We pay close attention to the efficiency of our manufacturing processes and quality control at each step of the process.

Customer Service

At Pro-Living Asia we believe that each of our customers deserve a particular attention and have their own expectations. Our sales team is at your disposal to provide you a great customer service.

We are reactive, flexible on MOQ (starting from 10 pcs depending on models) and will strive to propose you each product at the best price-quality ratio. We provide marketing and communication material to support you in boosting your sales.


